Desfire command group

With this command group, you can access MIFARE DESFire cards in low-level mode.

You can use these commands to completely manage the card's cryptographic functionality and to simplify the handling of DESFire cards.

WARNING: This command set is not available in all Baltech reader firmware variants.

Status codes

BRP status BRP Library Error Code Mnemonic Description
0x01 0x1B01 (6913) Desfire.ErrIso14NoTag There's no card in the HF field, or the card doesn't respond.
0x03 0x1B03 (6915) Desfire.ErrBreak The command has been aborted because the HF interface has been requested by another task or command. Please reselect the card. This error only occurs when you combine VHL and low-level commands. We highly recommend you avoid that combination as these 2 command sets will interfere with each other's card states.
0x04 0x1B04 (6916) Desfire.ErrIso14Hf The response frame received from the PICC is invalid, e.g. it may contain an invalid number of bits. Please rerun the command.
0x05 0x1B05 (6917) Desfire.ErrIso14CardInvalid The card behaves in an unspecified way or is corrupted. Please rerun the command or reselect the card.
0x06 0x1B06 (6918) Desfire.ErrReaderChipCommunication Communication with the reader's HF interface has failed. Please reset the HF interface with Sys.HFReset and check the reader status with Sys.GetBootStatus.
0x07 0x1B07 (6919) Desfire.ErrIso14ApduCmd ISO 14443-4 error: The command or parameters are invalid.
0x08 0x1B08 (6920) Desfire.ErrIso14InvalidResponse ISO 14443-4 error: The card returned an invalid response, e.g. data with an invalid length. This may have several reasons, e.g. a wrong card type.
0x09 0x1B09 (6921) Desfire.ErrPcdAuthentication Authentication with the PICC has failed, e.g. because the encryption algorithm or key is wrong.
0x0A 0x1B0A (6922) Desfire.ErrIntegrity Secure messaging error: The CRC or MAC checksum doesn't match the transmitted data. Authentication has been lost. Please reauthenticate and rerun the commands.
0x0B 0x1B0B (6923) Desfire.ErrPcdKey The key in the SAM/crypto memory is invalid or missing.
0x0C 0x1B0C (6924) Desfire.ErrNoChanges Card error as per DESFire specification: No changes done to backup files, CommitTransaction / AbortTransaction not necessary.
0x0D 0x1B0D (6925) Desfire.ErrPcdParam The BRP command contains an invalid parameter.
0x0F 0x1B0F (6927) Desfire.VcsAndProxCheckError The proximity check has timed out. Please reselect the card.
0x10 0x1B10 (6928) Desfire.ErrFirmwareNotSupported This command or parameter isn't supported by the reader firmware.
0x11 0x1B11 (6929) Desfire.ErrSamCommunication Communication with the SAM has failed. This may have several reasons, e.g. the wrong SAM type or a failure to activate the SAM. Please check the SAM status and reset the reader with Sys.Reset.
0x12 0x1B12 (6930) Desfire.ErrSamUnlock Unlocking/authenticating with the SAM has failed. Please check the SamAVx configuration values.
0x13 0x1B13 (6931) Desfire.ErrHardwareNotSupported This command isn't supported by the reader hardware. This error may refer to any hardware component.
0x1C 0x1B1C (6940) Desfire.ErrIllegalCmdLegacy Card error as per DESFire specification: Command code not supported by card. This status code is identical to ErrIllegalCmd (0x33) und returned be older firmware versions.
0x20 0x1B20 (6944) Desfire.ErrLength Card error as per DESFire specification: Length of command string invalid.
0x21 0x1B21 (6945) Desfire.ErrPermissionDenied Card error as per DESFire specification: Current configuration/state does not allow the requested command.
0x22 0x1B22 (6946) Desfire.ErrParameter Card error as per DESFire specification: Value of the parameter invalid.
0x23 0x1B23 (6947) Desfire.ErrAppNotFound Card error as per DESFire specification: Requested AID not present on PICC.
0x24 0x1B24 (6948) Desfire.ErrAppIntegrity Card error as per DESFire specification: Unrecoverable error in application. Application will be disabled.
0x25 0x1B25 (6949) Desfire.ErrAuthentication Card error as per DESFire specification: Current authentication status does not allow execution of requested command.
0x27 0x1B27 (6951) Desfire.ErrBoundary Card error as per DESFire specification: Attempted to read/write beyond the limits of the file.
0x28 0x1B28 (6952) Desfire.ErrPiccIntegrity Card error as per DESFire specification: Unrecoverable error within PICC, PICC will be disabled.
0x29 0x1B29 (6953) Desfire.ErrCommandAborted Card error as per DESFire specification: Previous command was not fully completed. Not all frames were requested or provided by the reader.
0x2A 0x1B2A (6954) Desfire.ErrPiccDisabled Card error as per DESFire specification: PICC was disabled by an unrecoverable error.
0x2B 0x1B2B (6955) Desfire.ErrCount Card error as per DESFire specification: Number of applications limited to 28, no additional CreateApplication possible.
0x2C 0x1B2C (6956) Desfire.ErrDuplicate Card error as per DESFire specification: Creation of file/application failed because file/application with same number already exists.
0x2D 0x1B2D (6957) Desfire.ErrEeprom Card error as per DESFire specification: Could not complete NV-write operation due to loss of power, internal backup/rollback mechanism activated.
0x2E 0x1B2E (6958) Desfire.ErrFileNotFound Card error as per DESFire specification: Specified file number does not exist.
0x2F 0x1B2F (6959) Desfire.ErrFileIntegrity Card error as per DESFire specification: Unrecoverable error within file, file will be disabled.
0x30 0x1B30 (6960) Desfire.ErrNoSuchKey Card error as per DESFire specification: Invalid key number specified.
0x32 0x1B32 (6962) Desfire.ErrOutOfMemory Card error as per DESFire specification: Insufficient NV-Memory to complete command .
0x33 0x1B33 (6963) Desfire.ErrIllegalCmd Card error as per DESFire specification: Command code not supported by card.
0x34 0x1B34 (6964) Desfire.ErrCmdOverflow Card error as per DESFire specification: Too many commands in the session or transaction.